Thursday, November 19, 2015

My Sisters Keeper: Pre-Reading

     I chose to write about what "fair" really means. There are many different definitions of the word fair. A fair isn't just some place where you ride on Ferris wheel and wait in line for a ridiculously long amount of time, I'm talking about what follows the rules kind of fair.

     Many people use the word fair different ways in may different situations , but it think what often comes to mind is equality, the freedom to speak up if you oppose something, the freedom to say what you want to say (at least this it what comes to my mind when I hear the word). In the book my sisters keeper the main character Anna feel that she is denied these freedoms because her sister Kate is sick with cancer and she is the only one in her family who is able to donate some of her bone marrow to help Kate, but her family does this without Anna's consent and it kind makes her feel like they are just using her, which seems pretty unfair. I think Anna is ok with giving her bone marrow to Kate she just wants to do it of her own free will.

     My mother often tells me whats right isn't always fair. But what does that really mean? That in life you have to chose between either being right or being fair?

     One thing I can conclude from this is that....

Fair isn't equal...

and it probably never will be.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore Post reading

"It is so much easier to find the answers when you know what you are looking for."

     I think this quote means that its never easy to find answers because you never know what you are looking for. Life is full of unexplained and almost unreal things but most of the time people shrug it off because they find it normal. There are very few people who go looking for answers and find them because that's how life works. Mystery's are just weird occurrences that no one has the answer to which is what went on throughout the book. The main character Clay finds a job at Mr. Penumbra's 24-hour book store working the night shift and many weird visitors appear at odd hours checking out even more stranger books containing thousands of random dots on the pages, but it turns out they were looking for answers to something they though they knew, but they really didn't.